Tuesday, August 31, 2010

scared, nervous, excited

thats exactly how i feel right now..scared..nervous...and excited.
bit of background info first
i used to be skinny. used to be, before i had the kids of course. i know i shouldnt use the kids as an excuse, but i really want to. it has taken me almost 8 years to admit to myself that it is my fault, and there is only one person who can change the way i look (without plastic surgery!) and that is me. so, with my 30th birthday coming up faster than i expected (december) i decided to do something about it.
3 and a half weeks ago i joined the local gym. i was so scared on the orientation day...my biggest fear was that i would be the biggest person there and everyone would stare. it didnt help that the instructors are stick thin and gorgeous! and that my friend who joined with me is alot thinner than i am! anyway, i felt so relieved that in my group was a lady who was ALOT bigger than i am (it sounds horrible, but it made me feel good).
the first week was the hardest, i almost died on the row machine and could only just do 500metres...but fast forward to 3 weeks later and i am  loving it. (i can now do 1.8kms on the row!)
i am very dissapointed with my weight loss though, the first week i lost 3kgs (woohoo!) plus some cms but 3 weeks in and i am back to original weight (but i am still loosing cm's)
i decided last week that i needed something to help me move some weight..thats where the nervous comes in. i ordered optifast and it arrived today. i am starting it in the morning. i really hope this works.
i decided to start this blog to document my journey. i will try to post regulary and hopefully by xmas i will be a skinny version of me, actually cancel that..i WILL be a skinny version of me!